Back to school is just around the corner...Can you believe we are half way through August already. I hope everyone has had a great summer and has had some time to relax and enjoy all of the sun we have had this year. My dogs and I have certainly been taking advantage of all of this fine weather!
As much as I have been loving the time off, I am really looking forward to getting back to music lessons and Kindermusik classes so that I can catch up with all of you. On that note... I want to invite everyone to this year's open house. We will be taking registrations as usualy, but this year we are also having some draws to celebrate back to school. You could be the lucky one to win a Junior Drum Kit, or a free semester of Kindermusik, or a J.J. Heart Guitar! Tell all of your friends to join you at our open house and earn some referral dollars to put toward this year's tuition. There may even be a few surprises for the kids!
The open house dates for Burlington and Ancaster are August 28th, 29th and 30th from 4-7:30 pm and on September 8th from 10:30am-2pm. The Kindermsuik open houses in Oakville are taking place on August 25th from 2-5pm (OakPark Moms & Tots) and on September 8th (time & place to be determined). In Grimsby our Kindermusik open house is scheduled for September 4th from 5-7:30 and September 15th from 10:30 - 2pm. Both Grimsby dates will be held at the Grimsby Museum.
I hope to see you all at the open house! Enjoy the rest of your summer!